Thursday, October 1, 2015


I remember before I started my journey FOR ME I would try to change for others.  I wanted their approval and I was so worried and scared that if I didn't I would be a disappointment to them.
I would try over and over to be someone I wasn't just to make others happy but in the mean time I was miserable.  Would I ever make that choice for me???

That time came in 2014 when I decided to make those changes FOR ME.  I had to be ready....I had to make that decision to change and I NEEDED to take that first step for me.

Having others be proud of you and be happy for you is an amazing feeling BUT if that is your main reason for changing than your not doing it for you.  You HAVE to look deep inside yourself and make that choice to take that first step in your journey.

This past year and a half has been full of ups and downs but knowing that I made that decision to change for me is so rewarding and fulfilling.  My journey is not over and not everyone will understand it but that's is mine NOT theirs.