Thursday, February 19, 2015

The big day to move in with my husband has come.   I was so nervous and hoped and prayed that he still wanted me.  No worries....he was the blessing I had been waiting for!   He is amazing and loves me for me.  :-)
Well...after a little while I found out I was pregnant!  We were so excited!  My husbands father had all grandsons and wanted a granddaughter so much too.  Funny thing was my husbands sister was pregnant too.
The day had come...time to give birth to our baby.  Well...I didn't realize how much it would hurt and I got up out of the hospital bed and said "I can't do this".   My husband and his sister brought me back to the escape for me.   LOL
On May 2nd, 1990 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl AND my husbands sister gave birth to a baby girl 6-7 hours later.   Two granddaughters born on the same day...what a blessing!   One born in a small town and one born in the big city.

Three years later I was pregnant again.   This one was harder...I was sick and not feeling well most of the time.  The day I went into labor was hard.  The doctor had to induce me and I was so weak when it came to the delivery.  My husband and his sister had to hold me up to push...I couldn't do it on my own anymore.
The next thing I know I had blacked out and don't remember anything.  I woke up in the hospital bed very shaky and weak and extremely low blood pressure 60/40.   All I could think about was my baby...where was she?  Is she okay?  I wanted to see her.
She was doing great but they were worried about me and kept hovering.  All I wanted to do was sleep and the hospital staff finally let me but I know they were worried about me.
The day finally came when I could go home and I was more than ready.
More to come...

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My journey continues as I get ready to leave my home to go to Job corps which is about 9-10 hours away.  I was so nervous but I knew this would be a good decision for me...I had to do something with my life...a little change of pace.
When I arrived at Job Corps it was late and I just wanted to get to my dorm and go to sleep.  The next morning was orientation and there were four dorms total.  Three and a half for the guys and an upstairs just for girls....there were A LOT of guys and they loved it when new girls came on was like being surveyed to see which girl was the most appealing to them.
Things went pretty good...I got involved in Forestry and Business classes and went on camp crew for a fire to make some money.  I continued to drink and party...I didn't see any harm in it at all.  I was just having fun and trying to fit in.  I was a popular party girl.
I was in Job Corps for a year and graduated.   I met my soon to be husband there and I decided to move in with him.  I loved the country so much that I didn't want to leave and going back home was NOT an option for me...there were too many bad memories and skeletons in the closet.
A new adventure was about to start...

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hey everyone!
Here is a little start to my story.  When I was younger I was made fun of and teased at school and I had never felt very good about myself.  I was always worried about what other people thought and who I should I started wondering what I could do to change myself so people would accept me.
 One of my first decisions was trying to lose weight and change my appearance.  I thought skinny and pretty girls got a lot of attention so why not?
I started doing diet pills and not the recommended dose either...forget one a day...I would take 3-4 a day and I felt like I was on speed.  I would not eat and make myself throw up and it wasn't good for me but heck I was getting skinny and getting noticed.  I thought this was awesome!
I started getting invited to parties and I was feeling great!   People were finally noticing me and accepting me.  Of course...I drank a lot and did drugs a couple of times but drinking was my thing...I loved it!  I was the popular party girl and guys started to notice me.
Well...this went on for awhile and I was feeling pretty good about myself but I was kind of stuck in a rut.  I needed to do something more with my life so I decided to join Job Corps and that is where my life continues.
I will blog more later...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Hi my name is Lori and I wanted to share a little about myself.
I have been married to my husband for 25 years and have two gorgeous daughters and two grandchildren.
I enjoy camping, hiking, reading, 4-wheeling, baking and spending time with family and friends.
My favorite TV shows are...Criminal Minds, The Biggest Loser, Grimm, The Big Bang Theory and The Blacklist to name a few.
What are some of your favorite hobbies?  TV shows?  Baking recipes?   Or just fun things to do in general?
I look forward to sharing my journey with you and hearing from you.  :-)