Monday, February 16, 2015

Hey everyone!
Here is a little start to my story.  When I was younger I was made fun of and teased at school and I had never felt very good about myself.  I was always worried about what other people thought and who I should I started wondering what I could do to change myself so people would accept me.
 One of my first decisions was trying to lose weight and change my appearance.  I thought skinny and pretty girls got a lot of attention so why not?
I started doing diet pills and not the recommended dose either...forget one a day...I would take 3-4 a day and I felt like I was on speed.  I would not eat and make myself throw up and it wasn't good for me but heck I was getting skinny and getting noticed.  I thought this was awesome!
I started getting invited to parties and I was feeling great!   People were finally noticing me and accepting me.  Of course...I drank a lot and did drugs a couple of times but drinking was my thing...I loved it!  I was the popular party girl and guys started to notice me.
Well...this went on for awhile and I was feeling pretty good about myself but I was kind of stuck in a rut.  I needed to do something more with my life so I decided to join Job Corps and that is where my life continues.
I will blog more later...

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