Monday, May 11, 2015


The past couple of weeks have been hard....I have not been doing my workouts and my eating stinks.  What should I do?

I have two choices...
1.  Quit and go on with my life
2.  Get up off my butt and remember why I started and keep going

Which one do I choose?
*The first one sounds so much easier and what I am used to
*The second one sounds harder BUT I know I would regret it


Well...I choose the second...why?   Because I remember what it was like to quit before and I hated that feeling.
WHY would I want to go back to where I was?  WHY would I want to stop moving forward just because of hard days?  WHY would I want to give up on me?  WHY would I want to stop being better than I was yesterday?

I NEED to remember why I started.  I NEED to remember how I felt back then and keep going.  I NEED to quit sabotaging myself with my own thoughts.  I NEED to remember that I make my own choices.  I NEED TO REMEMBER THAT I AM DOING THIS FOR ME!!!

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