Monday, July 20, 2015


When I think about this question...Freedom means to me to be able to be my own boss, take time off when I want to and make my own schedule.  I don't want to have to worry about answering to someone else...I want that freedom.

BUT was that kind of freedom out there?  

I look back at some of the memories which had me wanting that freedom more and more...

I remember when I was going to college and I was heading to one of my night classes.  My oldest daughter wanted me to stay home but I couldn't.  As I was driving down the road to town...I look in my rear view mirror and there she was chasing the car.  I could hear her yelling and wanting me to stay home.  :-(
That was so hard!  I remember getting to the college and crying.  Someone asked me what was wrong and I said I don't want to be here!  But I finished college and got my degree.

I have NEVER forgotten that day but what could I do?  I tried doing this stuffing envelopes thing..yeah that didn't work.  I tried looking into other online jobs and most of them wanted A LOT of money and/or taking classes I couldn't afford.  Even though some of them sounded good it was just not something I felt in my heart I wanted to do.  I was not happy!

I worked other jobs....a housekeeper, a receptionist, a nurses aid but when I got injured (3 surgeries in one year) that wasn't an option anymore.  I had to be careful what I did.  What was I going to do?  I wanted so badly to help my husband with the finances.

Then one day I looked at a picture of me and couldn't believe how heavy I had gotten!  This was a BIG turning point for me.  I needed to take back control of my life.

I met up with a friend of mine and starting a workout program and I felt so much better about myself.  Was there a way to pay this forward?  I talked to my friend again and I couldn't believe that I had finally found the freedom I had been searching for!

I am able to be my own boss and not worry about asking someone else for time off!  I LOVE being able to spend time with my family and friends when I is a great feeling!  I can put into my job what I want out of it.   I love being able to pay it forward and help others just like I was helped.  It is an amazing feeling!   I am happy and LOVE what I do!    THIS IS WHAT FREEDOM MEANS TO ME!

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