Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Lately I have stumbled in my nutrition and workouts and felt like giving up BUT when I was scrolling through my pics I saw the before photo of my very first day that I started this journey and I realized that I have come a long way.
Not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well.

My mindset used to be thoughts of..."Am I doing the right thing?"  "Will I ever reach my goal?"  "Am I strong enough?"  "What if I fail yet again?"

NOW my thoughts are...."yes I can"  "You are strong enough" "Don't look back"  "Keep going!"

The best decision I ever made was believing in myself and taking that first step.  That was the most unselfish thing I could do and I am thankful I did.

There are bad days but it is my choice on what my mindset will be...

Do I let the negative get me down and stay there?
Do I use that as fuel to get fired up and go for it?

I have been in the negative and it was a miserable place...I choose to get fired up!

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