Thursday, April 9, 2015


The day that I had to leave was a hard one...I was nervous and scared to start this new chapter of my life but I knew I needed to.

The country was gorgeous and I fell in love with it right away.  When the bus arrived at Job Corps it was late and I was tired.  The next morning was filled with activity and orientation.  I didn't realize that there was only the upstairs of one dorm that the girls stayed in....the other 3.5 dorms were guys.  What had I gotten myself into???

Well....the same things from before happened.  I went back to my old ways...doing things that I used to do to get attention.  Was this ever going to end?  Would I ever find someone that truly loved me for me and not what I gave?

I was so tired of the worry and fear and being scared of being me.  I was so tired of being someone I wasn't.

That day came on 4/4/89 when I met the man that I had been looking for.  I had no idea that someone could care about me and love me for me.  Was this real?  Or was I dreaming?

More to come...

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