Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I tried different jobs here and there but none of them gave me what I wanted....loving my job.

I wanted something where I could help others, work from home and have the freedom to take a day off if I wanted BUT did a job like that exist?  The other jobs I tried to do from home were just not what I was looking for.

I kept praying and hoping that a job like this would come my way but I kept thinking "yeah right..in your dreams!"  Would I ever find what I was looking for?

Then a friend of mine told me about this GREAT opportunity that (again) sounded too good to be true.  BUT there was something different about this one....I couldn't get it out of my mind no matter how hard I tried and EVERY time I prayed about it...boom...there it was.

I was still very nervous and scared but I thought since it keeps popping into my head..."why not?"

So I did!

Let the journey begin...

More to come...

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