Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Another Awakening....BEFORE AND CURRENT PICS

When I first saw a pic of what I looked blew me away!  How could did I get like this???  I was shocked and KNEW I had so do something.

This is the picture I took before I started my second journey on 9/14/14.  I weighed 173.4# and 212 inches all around.  I was disgusted with myself and wanted to cry.
I needed to do something but what?
I talked to a friend of mine who introduced me to this program called Beachbody.  At first I wasn't sure about it but then I thought....what have a I got to loose?  I HAD to do something...I was so embarrassed by how I looked.
So I started this new journey of exercising and eating healthier.
Man was it hard!  I didn't think I could make it through the first week BUT I did.  I made that choice to be better than I was yesterday.

This is where I am now...I have lost a total of 35 inches all around and 20 pounds since my journey began.  It is not just the numbers I look at but how I feel about myself and I can look in the mirror and smile again.
I have only just begun this next journey and I am excited and nervous about what is in the future.
Paying it forward is an amazing thing I can do and I am.

More to come...

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