Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I had had 3 different surgeries in was for a collapsed bladder and 3-inch hernia, the next was a brain aneurysm and the last was neck surgery which I had to wear a c-collar for 6-8 weeks 24/7.   That was a rough year...I had to be careful what I did and couldn't really exercise due to healing.  
I knew I had to do something about my weight but I didn't have patience and I wanted it now.  So I tried this fad diet called HCG and only ate certain foods and 800 calories a day.  I felt sick at first but I was determined to stick with it and the weight came off fast.  I couldn't exercise due to the low calories and my hypoglycemia (blood sugar) was low enough.
I was not going to up my calories because I did not want the weight back on....I was very stubborn.  After a few months of doing this diet and eating the same foods over and over I did loose weight and was happy but also very bored by not having other foods.  So I decided to gradually add other foods into my diet besides only white meat and green veggies.  I felt better adding a little more of a variety of  food but then I went for it!  
I didn't realize that I had deprived myself so much in others foods and I was so hungry for the food I wasn't allowed to have.  I ate and ate and ate and didn't care until I saw a pic of myself again. I put the weight back on and more.
I was so disgusted in myself and depressed even more than I was before so I turned to something that made me feel better and not worry about being scared.

More to come...

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