Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Journey continues...

Even though I have been sober for one year I face challenges every day and every day I make that choice whether or not I am going to drink .

 Sure I still crave those feelings I got from drinking...that feeling of what I THOUGHT was freedom of worry and fear.  That feeling of having fun and being the "party girl" everyone loved.  That feeling of being  accepted and feeling good about myself.
So then I start to think that one drink won't hurt but then reality hits me and I KNOW it will.  I don't want to go back to that place where I was because I don't live there anymore.  I don't want to relive the pain and emotions that hit me so hard in the beginning.  It is NOT worth it.

So...I knew I needed to make other changes in my life and NOT let alcohol consume my thoughts.  But what?  What could I do that would help me feel good about myself?  What could I do that would change my mindset?  What could I do that would help me smile again?

I got that answer and fear of another change crept in BUT it was time to start another journey...

More to come...

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