Friday, March 20, 2015

First step...

When we got home I decided to talk to a good friend of mine who understood what I was going through.
I explained to her what was going on and was told to go to an alcoholic anonymous meeting.
I didn't want to...I was scared...what would they think of me?  What would I say?
After trying to talk myself out of going...I decided to go to the meeting and I was shaking and in tears...was I doing the right thing?  I pulled up to where the meeting was and wanted to turn the car around so bad and go home but I went in.
As I opened that door...all eyes were on the new person walking through that door.  I wanted to run...I was so scared and wanted a drink REALLY bad!
But everyone there was so nice and understanding of what I was going through...the support they gave me was amazing!
I was relieved that I went but the my journey had only begun...

More to come...

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