Tuesday, March 17, 2015

 At first my drinking started off casual and just once and a while but then I wanted/needed that "feel good" feeling and that "buzz" I got from it.
When I was out of alcohol I pretty much begged my husband to let me get more and I would promise it would last...but it didn't.
I kept drinking and found ways to hide it (or so I thought)  so people would leave me alone.
When my husband went to meetings I would drink as much as I could as fast as I could so he wouldn't tell me I have had enough.  I thought...I'll show him and he can't stop me.
I would hide the cans and bottles so my husband wouldn't see how much I drank.
My husband started marking the vodka bottle with a permanent marker to see how much was drank from it.  That was a nice try....I would drink from it and then add water right back up to the line so he would think I hadn't touched it.   I was smarter than him...he couldn't trick me.
 My husband and others kept telling me I had a problem but I didn't believe them and it would make me angry again.  They were ruining my good time!
 I was getting really tired of everyone telling me to stop drinking...it was my choice not theirs.  The more they pushed me the more I kept drinking.

More to come...

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