Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I got home and had two girls to take care of.  It wasn't easy...I was not happy with how I looked and my self-esteem was crappy.
I started looking into these fad diets....the cabbage diet, diet pills, making myself get sick but they only worked temporarily.  The weight came off but as soon as I stopped I would gain it back plus more.
I was so frustrated and every time I looked in the mirror I couldn't stand what I saw.
I decided to go on anti-depressant pills and those helped.  I felt better and I was smiling and having fun again.
But then 5 years into our marriage...we had some serious situations happen.  I had a nervous breakdown from my abusive past, my husband had major surgery and our marriage was on a serious downhill slope.  It was a very rough year....I didn't think we would make it but with the help of God and family and friends...we did!  
Things were going really good until I saw a picture of myself and wondered how in the world did I get that way?  And how could my husband love me?

More to come...

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